
Expert Oralce RAC 12c - upcoming book

Here is the TOC for upcoming Expert Oracle RAC 12c book, which is slated to release sometime in August 2013 (of course subject to Oracle 12c announcement), published by Apress.

Table of contents

  1. Overview of Oracle RAC
  2. Clusterware Management and Troubleshooting
  3. RAC Operational Practices
  4. RAC New Features
  5. Storage and ASM Practices
  6. Application Design Issues
  7. Managing and Optimizing a Complex RAC Environment
  8. Backup and Recovery in RAC
  9. Network Practices in RAC
  10. RAC Database Optimization
  11. Locks and Deadlocks
  12. Parallel Query in RAC
  13. Clusterware and Database Upgrades
  14. Oracle RAC One Node
  15. Virtualized RAC - Setup DB Clouds - Part 1
  16. Virtualized RAC - Setup DB Clouds - Part 2
You might get about 29% off on pre-order copy at Amazon.

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